Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Looking back at 2015

1. Of course, it was Teodor who went through the most significant change. No longer a baby, but a toddler with so many abilities and skills :-)

From this...

To this...

Incredible how children change in one year.

2. We showed interest in buying two houses:
This one was sold to a couple who showed interest before us. We are still sorry we didn't manage to get it. 
This one seemed too expensive for the amount of plastic which was inside, not to mention the second floor was not ready at all. And we actually didn't like the place, too many new houses and too little of privacy.

3. I got pregnant again.

4. I've been learning how to be a housewife. I try to improve my cooking and baking skills and try to be more consistent with cleaning.

5. Also the relationship with the dad improved significantly over the last year (I guess the process of healing the relationship is more of less finished)

6. We started our own business, have one sale already :) 

7. The dad found himself in the woodwork and he started not only make toys for Teodor, but also our furniture. 

8. I found my internet soul-mate thanks to MK.

Charlie seems to remain more or less the same, only he's more on Orijen than raw meat. He also started to sleep more.
The same mess-maker :-)

There are big expectations from 2016:
  • Teodor might start talking and people might start understanding him. 
  • We're going to meet our baby girl and I'm really curious how it will go with two children.
  • Because it seems impossible to buy a normal house for a normal price, we made a decision to save up for some land during the next year. 
  • We want to make our shop start selling and have several marketing ideas in our heads.
  • We might slightly re-do our living room, so it would be a better play-space for two children and a storage space for our shop. 

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