Tuesday, February 16, 2016

ooh and aah

There are some things I would like to blog about but the last trimester, the knitting project and Teodor keep me quite busy, but today I want to ooh and aah about Teodor....he's such a cute little boy, today I realized how lucky I am to have such a calm toddler to accompany me on the adventures of being pregnant...you know, he doesn't run away from me (e.g. in shops), he is not trying to commit a suicide by jumping into the road, he plays quite nicely on his own, he doesn't throw tantrums very often (if ever)...of course, he is far from being perfect (sorry, little man) but still, his calm nature makes it quite easy for me, can't imagine running after him all the time or deal with tantrums or just be in constant fights of wills...

It was nicely sunny this morning, the Internet didn't work, so we decided to take a walk, Teodor decided he wanted to take a walk to the forest, so we went...and I was thinking how easy it is to take a walk with him, he simply goes forwards, stops quite often but is moving soon afterwards, so it doesn't take ages to get somewhere. Here are some pictures...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Introducing pliers

We needed to spice up our work with colour sorting, so I took out the wooden pliers which came with Grimm's sorting bowls from the box and we gave it a try (I seriously love this toy, it's worth the money, he plays with it every day and in several ways).

It did entertain him for about half an hour. He didn't really learn how to use them properly but it was fun to watch him go...and to learn that the older he gets, the more he "cheats" :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy birthday to me

I turned 30 on Saturday and surprisingly nothing big happened. Teodor didn't start sleeping better or the dad didn't get up early, so I could have a sleep-in: this year I believed a bit he might do it (last year I knew it was a wish which would not come true)...it was one of those usual days, except I got some flowers, cake (really good one) and the dad went to the post office to finally pick up my present, Omnifera Wings of Desire Gabriel wrap, it's with 20% cruelty-free silk (normally they boil the worms before they get out of their cocoon) and I won it in a draw (meaning you still have to pay for it, the dad did, so the wrap is considered as my birthday present).

Current stash
From the top: Storchenwiege carrier, Didymos Lisca, Yaro La Vita with linen, Omnifera wit silk
My handwoven wrap named Sven is being made

Some years ago, I hid my birthday from Facebook and since then I get congratulations only from the closest people and they come within a week period because people seem to have troubles to remember when my actual birthday is. My mother sent the birthday text yesterday, my dad on Sunday...so, you get the picture...No surprise there, either. 

On Sunday we went to Helsinki to kinda celebrate my birthday, we also intended to deliver a doll house the dad was making all night long to our frieds there, but he didn't manage to finish it, so it was just a visit. 

It was a great day, I didn't have to clean or cook, I got a home-made cake, Teodor was thrilled to play with new cars and trains, their son seemed to like me...

No longer afraid of the ball pool

New way of lining up

Little friends...Teodor would appreciate to have low windows at home, too.

Pregnancy picture

P.O.P shop and their Brio DeLuxe set - they have it in every store, Teodor loves to go there.

All in all I'd say I had a great birthday weekend.