Saturday, July 18, 2015

Elimination communication

Elimination communication (Bezplenková komunikační metoda) was together with baby signing a thing I had no wish to try, I thought it was for bored mothers, I didn't believe a working woman in Peru or somewhere in Africa has time to deal with her baby's excretory system. Anyway, then Teodor was born and he was a super-gassy baby. Pooping was only possible when I held him above the sink and that was the start of this incredible journey of having pee puddles everywhere (not that much of the poop, though).
At the age of 15 monts I can say he is potty-trained (more accurately sink-trained, he is getting used to using the potty now) during the day, he can control his sphincter muscles and there has been no pushing him (you just get used to having pee everywhere because I stopped giving him diapers when he was around 7 months and started crawling, it was for keeping us both sane) - he has never spent more than a minute above the sink waiting for the pee or poop.
Anyway, I am in a search for underwear fitting him, it seems like the producers assume such young/small babies are not very profitable customers, so there is no point offer underpants in smaller sizes.

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