Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Simple day

The other day I was reading about Simplicity Parenting (no, I didn't keep the link) and that is something I want to read more about, seems very interesting...Anyway, there was a thought that children can be bored, so they would find something to do on their own, it is not parents' job to constantly entertain them.

Today was a great day to give it a try, raining, feeling sick, so I sat on the floor (sitting in front of my pc wouldn't work) and watched him go. He could spend 15 minutes just sitting (jumping) on my lap investigating a beer lid...he would spend a lot of time just walking around, spinning, climbing the coffee table, torturing the dog...It was kinda fun.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's a known fact, that there is nothing worse than constant entertainment of a child (or you will get a consumer, who will constantly need to be entertained..), but - doing nothing - or even plain boredom is essential. Only then he will actually have to come up himself with things to do, and only then he will create something on his own. :) And good news for the parent as well. ;)
