Friday, October 23, 2015

What we're thinking for Christmas

Christmas is a whole topic for me because we (parents) come from a different cultural and social backgrounds, so it is kind of a challenge for us to make new Christmas traditions for Teodor as I would like it to be a magic time for him (dad doesn't care that much about it, so it's more or less up to me). But this might be a topic of another post when it will become more it's on the bottom of my to-do-list.

The presents, on the other hand, make my brain quite busy. We dumped the idea of getting him a play kitchen, contrary to the fact he would probably enjoy it we decided not to buy it because we simply don't have space for it. I guess we would be able to squeeze it somewhere but we recently realized baby no. 2 will need some space, too. We might get him a portable wooden cooker or maybe he can just use a chair as a stove. 

We do not want to over-do it with presents, last year he got 2 and it was just perfectly enough, this year we're thinking of max. 4. A limited amount of presents is quite a pressure because you have to choose carefully. So this is what we're thinking now, the list is not definite yet and probably won't be till the last days before Christmas Eve.

Rocking board
Available at Seems like a genial toy, you can rock on it, you can sit on it, you can make a slide out of it, you can have it as a bridge for your cars, or a house for your dwarfs...The only con is "do we have enough of space for it?"

Lego Duplo

We have already bought both of these two sets...the question is which one to give him. The other one he'll get for his 2nd birthday. I am pretty sure he would love the figures from the first box and cars from the second one. We'll see where his building skills are heading, if more to concrete stuff, he'll get the first box, if it'll be more arbitrary, then the second one. 


Not sure which one, more probably the sorting bowls...or maybe both? 

Cat Mini Machines Set
This is what his dad wants to get him and that's totally ok, I am pretty sure he's going to love it the most out of all presents, yay for rrrrrrrr :)


  1. Nice gifts.. :)
    But in this speed (from 2 to 4 in one year).. :D ..he will be getting a whole pile later on.

  2. As for gifts.. I think, definately a rocking board! And one of those Lego's. And the trucks. ;) Well.. Grimms he will get anyway. So really, good choice. ;)

  3. Pekny vyber, my este mame na zozname ten domcek pre babiky, Jonas chce batoh, knihy a The muppets figurky, tych zboznuje :) kuchynku mate, ci vam staci ozajstna?

    1. Aj mna by zaujimalo, ako a ci budete riesit kuchynku. Lebo tiez nad tym premyslam, nasla som "funkcny drez" little tikes a ten by som chcela "prirobit" do DIY kuchynky. Moja mala bude mat 2 vo februari a nemame uciacu vezu, tak toto sa mi tak zapacilo... Ale privitam vase napady ako to budete mat s kuchynkou.. :)

    2. Kuchyňku nemáme, Ikeáckou jsem okoukla na letišti a nezaujala, resp. za tu může chlap vyrobit taky a ještě hezčí...Takže se přijímám chlapovu argumentaci, že jí nemáme kam dát, což je objektivně pravda, možná pořídíme takový přenosný vařič, ale zatím mi přijde, že mu to je jedno, kde vaří, on klidně vaří na gauči... Domeček pro panenky plánujem až bude starší, ale to je taky "must-have".

    3. Suhlasim s tou kuchynkou,to sa da spravit aj z kartona a uvidis ako casto sa s tym bude hrat,potom uvidis ci sa oplati do toho viac investovat. jonas dostal Brio kuchynku a dako moc ho zatial nezaujala...

  4. There is no "Pišlíci" car in your wish list - I can´t believe it :-D I definitely want one car for M., she loves cars of all size or material.
    Rocking board - I really like but I really don´t like its price here in CR :-( it´s about 78 euro after last price raising.
    Lego Duplo - yes, we have the big box already :-D well, few pieces are out - some crisis last month :-D There is one (maybe more than one) piece with wheels - M. really likes it.
    Grimms - the tower with felt application looks super fun but my child would definitely spend all the time of trying to separate those colour pieces. Nothing survives :-D
    And also we have few books for her already hidden in our closet.

  5. duplo u nás taky v plánu.... A first bike nebudeš zatím pořizovat? nebo k narozeninám?

    1. First bike až k narozeninám, předpokládám, že od ledna do narozenin bude sníh :-N Jinak se zdá, že Duplo nedostane, tu jednu krabici už dostal, zvířátka v ní ho, k mému překvapení, vůbec neberou, takže Lesopark necháme asi taky na narozeniny.
