Monday, October 26, 2015

Never stop growing

Even though I don't pay that much intentional attention to developing our son any more, there has been some progresses going on lately, it is happening naturally, my role is to be mostly a facilitator.

He starts to lining up anything: coins, drawing blocks, pictures from memory game, Lego blocks...but he destroys the line before I manage to take a picture.
The only picture I managed to take
He is an obsessive tower builder, he builds them out of building blocks, Lego, stamps, drawing blocks...

He also an obsessive railroad constructor.

He is also a big fan of books, the best ones are those without any text, just sceneries where he can find stuff. Lately he has noticed that there are same things on different pages (in story books by Rotraut S. Berner) - e.g. he is able to follow the penguin through the book. He also enjoys books with animals, he loves me naming them. 

Pairing. Don't have any picture, but he seems to enjoy finding the same pictures in the memory game box or in his books where he is supposed to find something in the scenery. I decided not to become and obsessive laminate machine user because now it seems like he has reached the age when printing and laminating would make sense. 

Drawing - from angry scribbling to more abstract drawing...his hand/arm is becoming more relaxed. Again no picture. 

Oh, and he is no longer afraid to crawl under a table! He is super slow and careful, but he can do it! So proud of him, seems like one of the biggest achievements of his life :)

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