Sunday, August 16, 2015


Tomorrow it is his first day in a it even possible that my baby is about to start in public education system?
I am still quite undecided whether we keep the place or not as I am not a huge fan of public education (which makes people uniform, difference is not desired), but I am desperate for some time alone. So we are giving it a try. We might be nicely surprised or might not. As I am not going back to work, there is no problem to sign him off. Well, tomorrow is the day. The kindergarten has the stupid (old-fashioned?) policy that parents cannot stay with their child in the classroom because other children might start crying (won't they cry anyway? wouldn't it be better to explain to the other children? do I even care about other children?) but the parent can stay when they go outside, so we are coming to the kindergarten for the outside time. And maybe he will stay like for 5 minutes inside? Just to see the reaction.
Side note: If his sleep is going to get significantly disturbed by the kindergarten experiment, we will not carry on. He got his own bed yesterday and the night was a nightmare, which I do not have energy to repeat on a regular basis.

1 comment:

  1. Already tomorrow!? :O So, you will drop your very attached baby, that has spent pretty much 24/7 by your side day and night, in some strange room with scary aunts and bunch of wild toddlers, say bye-bye and close the door? :D Good luck and keep us posted, how it goes. ;)
