What kind of body should the head get was a question which was bugging me and since I couldn't decide whether to make a lovey or just a regular doll, the head was lying on our desk unnoticed for a really long time. Then I finished the blanket and decided to to finally finish the doll, so I can move to another project(s).
I decided to make a lovey, something like Teodor has, but the body came out a bit differently than I planned, too "doll-y" for a lovey and a bit over-sized for a doll. As I had no intentions to spend much time on finishing this one (I made it just to learn how to make the head and practise attaching the parts for the real doll I want to make for Anastasia), I decided to make a hybrid - I stuffed it lightly with wool, so it is partly lovey and partly a doll :-))
This evening I'm planning to attach the hands and feet and then I'm done. Yay!
Looks nice :)