Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why we get nothing done when we go for a walk

It took us exactly 25 minutes to get dressed before going out yesterday, I was not procrastinating on my pc or taking pictures of the process.
First, I put shoes on Charlie and made his topknot. He was not resisting this time, so it went fast. Since then he started crying because he couldn't wait to go outside. If I knew he'd be so co-operative, he'd get the shoes as the last one.
Then I get dressed myself, with the bump, it's not that comfortable. I put on my warm skiing trousers and a hoodie.
Teodor's turn. Change his t-shirt and give him woolen sweater while he's looking for the toy he's planning to take with him. Take the toy out of his hands, so it is possible to dress him in the sweater. Teodor is ready to go. Charlie sits next to him by the door and they both cry. Time to put warm trousers on Teodor. He's trying to pet Charlie or says "boo(m)" and falls down. Very co-operative when you're trying to stuff him in the trousers. Shoes. Another "boo(m) boo(m)". Teodor is trying to open the door, Charlie seems to be even more impatient. Me putting on my shoes. Put on Teodor's mittens. His train falls out of his hands. I ask him if he want to take something else. He runs to the living room and big dilema is about to start. No, you cannot take your huge car transporter with you. No, four small cars are just too many... Finally he chooses a bus, very unexpected choice. Put on his warm jacket, he cries because his hands are hidden in the sleeves. Charlie cannot keep it any more and starts jumping on the door. Teodor's hands are found again, he smiles. Put on his neck warmer (or whatever it is called), his hat and open the door. They wait for me in the hall while I put on the rest of my clothes.
Catch Charlie and put on his reflexive vest.
Go to the basement and take out the sled.

Then we spend about an hour outside, sometimes more, sometimes less.

When we come home, first I have to undress Teodor (he might help a bit), then Charlie, then me, take Teodor to pee, shower Charlie from all the snowballs which are slowly melting on his body. Finally time for me to pee. Teodor needs to blow his nose like 20 times during this time  :) When that all is done, I'm exhausted for another half an hour or an hour. Like seriously I refuse to do anything. Sometimes I lie down in bed (with T. and his cars, sometimes he nurses), sometimes I'm on the computer, sometimes he watches something on computer...but I really need to be left on my own to compose myself. And then we make dinner, then bedtime routine...and the day is over.

(and then he decides that we should be awake for three hours at night...but that's another story)

1 comment:

  1. For one of the times you're watching something on the computer: :D
