I suppose he's still teething (hot bump on his gum where the molar should be), but still no teeth has come out meaning he's still drooling like a St. Bernard dog + he enjoys spending most of his days in bed reading, playing and nursing - actually our days are slow and relaxed, probably thanks to the breast attachment, no big drama is happening around here. A friend of mine has a theory why he likes it in the bed so much: he gets most of my undivided attention and that's what every toddler wants, right? Plus he has almost unlimited access to the milk, which must be nice to be soothed by hot beverage every time you are in pain.
I have no idea how it happened but he caught a cough. Either from sweating in the stroller on Saturday when we under-estimated how warm the Stokke Winter Kit and foot-muff are - when he woke up from his nap, he was all wet (luckily, I brought change of clothes) or maybe from playing in the puddles the other day...
Today a runny nose also joined in. Teodor looks really sick, so there is def no way we are getting out of the bed any time soon :) I would expect him being sleepier, but no...that child has no time for sleeping.
This night was a nice example why I actually don't want to stop breastfeeding him (the breast seem to get used to the fact he's hanging there all the time, so the pain has been disappearing, thank goodness). He would wake up every time he coughed and needed breast to fall back asleep and he would also wake up every hour and was soothed back to sleep only with breast. OK, I suppose if you don't breastfeed, the child is a bit better at falling asleep on their own, but it could happen as well we would be up most of the night.
We no longer take our morning walks, yesterday, he required to be put in the stroller..I thought he would change his mind when he sees all the delicious puddles, no...he was happy sitting in...So, it's the dad who takes Charlie for his morning walks. Well, I actually enjoy it a lot, we can spend all the morning in bed :)
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