Thursday, June 18, 2015


We took two trips to the zoo in June, one in Tallinn and the other one in Prague.

We started the "zoo season" on 1 June on Children's Day as the ticket was half-price, I went alone with Teodor, the dad had to work. 
Out only picture together :) (can you see how well matching is my scarf and his jacket?)
Tallinn Zoo is small, half-renovated and they don't have cool animals like hippos, but they have ducks and they are overall everything Teodor needs to be happy.

I didn't take our stroller with us because I didn't want to fight for space on public transport (my thinking: cheaper tickets=lots of people coming) - I haven't seen anybody babywearing in the whole zoo...but lots of mothers were carrying their babies in their arms and I was thinking why do they make life more difficult for themselves?, you know, you can just buckle your tot in and carry them comfortably without any back pain. Anyway, I missed the stroller for storing our is more comfortable to push your stuff around than carry it over your shoulder while your toddler is on your back.
I was so proud of Teodor walking, he kept the direction and walked a lot. It was a great walk and well-spent afternoon.

Prague Zoo is so much bigger and nicer. In my very personal opion, Tallinn Zoo management should learn from Prague Zoo about using donations from companies and common people.
He liked the penguins a lot, he learnt to sign them the day before and one penguin was swimming there and back, it made totally Teodor's day, he could laugh his head off.

With his penguin buddy
The children's zoo was great, unlike in Tallinn, you are not allowed here to enter and pet the animals. It is made in village style and I liked it a lot. So did Teodor. (I dont have a picture, but you can google it)
Guinea pig

Watching ducks, I guess.
It was possible to borrow a buggy for free at the entrance. It was mostly used for my mum's backpack.

Us with elephants in the background :))) (the elephants were too big and didnt fit in the picture :))

I consider it super-important that Teodor sees the real animals, especially those ones he knows from pictures. We will keep on going to the zoo on a regular basis, I hope/promise.


  1. Tallinn Zoo does have donation system from companies and people as well.. ;) Maybe people just don't donate enough here.
    But there are hippos in Riga's Zoo! And giraffes!

    1. Once we should take our offspring to Riga Zoo ;)
