Thursday, May 14, 2015

How to entertain a 13-month old?

Take them for a toddler walk. Spring and summer are really great for this (I actually plan to continue even in autumn and winter), it does not require much activity from your side because the new walkers are quite slow and everything on the way is soooo interesting, so the walks is more about the walking and exploring experience than really getting somewhere.

Our morning walk is about 500m long and it takes us about an hour, I sometimes carry Teodor, so we get somewhere because we have Charlie (dog) with us and the walk is also meant for him :)

Here is a list of things he does on the walk (not all every time but you can see how he can turn a boring ten-minute walk into a whole adventure :)

Sit pretty under the almost-in-blossom tree and examine the flowers around.

Drain covers are just irresistible

Pee-a-boo before going home

Walking up the stairs on his own

Splashing puddles.

Examining a rock he found in the puddle. Charlie is not amused.

Watching cars

Taking his pull animal for a walk

Testing whether the licence plate is well-attached

Taking a selfie with mummy...this is one of the ways how to get him from A to B fast
Finding sticks (there is usually Charlie on the other end)

Climbing on everything

Sometimes we watch children in the kindergarten, that day nobody was out.

Sitting on whatever it is called and examining the "nail"?


Playing with sand/picking up stones
If I had Internet on my phone, I could be online most of the time, those walks make it very easy to entertain the child, which is sometimes challenging at home as he doesn't have that many toys (ok, he has enough but not that many that he could be throwing them out of several boxes and it would take him an hour) or we don't let him watch youtube (we don't have TV). And I finally have to remember to dress myself warmer than the child because he is almost always in motion while I'm standing nearby being cold.

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