Monday, August 24, 2015

What we've been up to in the last weeks

Apart from bitching how difficult my life has become, we've been quite productive in the pauses between screaming :)

We took walks in the forest, he loved the terrain and the challenges it brought upon him.

Big wooden beads. He could get the bead on the string, but didn't understand how to move it to the string.

 But he liked looking pretty :)

And enjoyed putting it on his finger a lot and then throwing it.

We also started to make "roads" for his train. (yay for sh-sh-sh)

He also started to improve his balance skills. He's so eager to practise, any time anywhere.

 Regular trips on his motorbike and picking up pine cones.

 Playing with his car in front of our building. We do it sometimes even twice a day.

 Building towers.

 Drawing. He became a serious artist. At least 3 metres of paper are used up in one session. He can also tell me what I should draw for him or he tells me what he had drawn.

 Playing with waldorf blocks and learning more about balance.

 Magic water pictures. Fun, fun, fun.

 Playing in water.

 Memo game. We are using it for naming the animals.

Two-piece puzzles - I don't have a picture, but he can find 3 out of 6 pairs and if I put them in a correct order, he can put them together. Pretty amazing for a 16-month old.

1 comment:

  1. So many pictures... Novalee likes it a lot, haha :-D
    Seriously... is your every day so full of joy? Lucky you... I have to delete my previous post about feeling sorry for you :-)
